How To Succeed As An Entrepreneur: Tips From Investor & Entrepreneur Chase Norton On

It’s one thing to startup one successful business. It’s another to startup several. Chase Norton is a successful serial entrepreneur that became just that by not choosing the conventional 9 to 5 route. He invests in companies, he starts his own, he advising. He creates things as his job, and the payoffs are very handsome. As an entrepreneur, you’ll have to learn how to juggle multiple projects at a time. Here are some tips Chase has on how to succeed as an entrepreneur!
How To Succeed As An Entrepreneur: Tips From Investor & Entrepreneur Chase Norton On
Luckily, I was able to gather some info from Chase that we can all capitalize on in our own journeys.
1. Go Your Way
Chase advises you to do what is “you” to be doing. For him, being a serial entrepreneur is what made the most sense for him. For the next guy, it may not be the case, but for him, that works with who he is. The truth is, you’re going to succeed doing what is the most “you” thing to do. Mimicking those around you is a sure way to not be the most successful you can be and just a second rate version of what you mimic (if that).
Chase’s willingness to innovate and be different has opened up tons of doors for him that would otherwise not have been open. From my perspective, what he’s encouraging doesn’t necessarily require a “take the leap” mentality. If you are simply in tune with yourself, you are doing what is you, there’s nothing to leap from, you’re already there.
2. Double Down On What Works
When you find things that are succeeding, amplify them. Do a bunch more of that. 10x it, as they say. It’s easy to continue trying a bunch of things and only seeing some results from it.
What you need is to embed systems into what is working so you can reap the potential that’s within them and at the most minimal cost in time, energy, and dollars. Seek your areas of success that you need to double down on and do it.
3. Push Through
If you’d like to accomplish anything in life, you’re gonna have things you need to push through at times. It happens. It’s likely to happen. By being identified with your why and pushing through, you can make amazing things happen. We encourage it, push through and especially when it’s hardest to.
4. Success Is A Ladder
Chase encourages people to remember that success is a ladder and not a destination. You have steps you need to climb and the journey is the success. When you are one step closer to your dreams, you’re simultaneously achieving something at you had not earlier. Be smart at how you look at the journey, it’s the thing that’s taking you places.
5. Know Your Why
Chase strongly feels aspiring entrepreneurs need to know their “why.” Whether it’s real reasons, whether it’s wrong reasons, you should know why you want to do it. This is crucial for many reasons. First of all, what if that “why” can be solved in a different manner?
Or maybe, along the journey, those reasons may cease, and you could find yourself pushing for something you don’t really care about anymore. A “why” is important, because we only have the time we are given in life and if we are going to commit to something that’s going to take our time we better know our “why”.
6. Test Things
Test things. Oftentimes when we have an idea, we want to run with it. Yet, a product is good if the customers say it’s good. We have to test and adjust to knowing if what we are giving is what the receiver needs/wants. Ultimately it’s a relationship. You have to speak the language of the customer.
As Chase says, your goal is to figure out how to settle the client’s pain points as easily as possible. This requires a pivoting mindset. Willingness to pivot, when needed, is essential in building any product or service.
Learning from Chase has been enlightening. He has a true come-up story, and now he’s the one investing in projects and overseeing other entrepreneurs in their own journeys. It’s special to see someone who went through those stages and is doing things at a higher level.