Lifestyle Strategies For Getting Hired As A Firefighter

Firefighter hiring is highly competitive and challenging. Firefighter training, including online firefighter training, certifications, and degrees are not always enough to get hired. However, you can implement strategies in your life that will give you a better chance of being hired.
Volunteer experience, whether it is fire-related or not, shows that you care about your community. This type of service boosts your resume and gives you the opportunity to get to know people, some of whom will make great references. Consider searching for nonprofit organizations and offering your time. You can search out volunteer firefighting opportunities, but any community organization you are interested in will benefit you during the hiring process.
Clean Lifestyle
Stay out of trouble. Your hiring manager will probably conduct a background search because past behaviors are often rather accurate predictors of future actions. Therefore, avoid traffic tickets and accidents and address anger and domestic issues before they become legal issues.
However, if you have had legal challenges in the past, do not lie about them during your hiring process. You must take responsibility for your mistakes and show how you have worked to overcome them.
Social Media
Most employers now review their applicants’ social media accounts. Therefore, be aware of everything you post on social media. Avoid bullying, risque, inappropriate, or immature posts. Remove anything that may reflect poorly on you or your ability to do a great job. Also, ask your friends to remove similar posts about you.
Physical Health
Firefighting is a highly physical activity, and you must pass a physical ability test prior to hiring. Therefore, consider adopting and maintaining a physically fit lifestyle and completing physical training throughout your firefighter training and preparation process.
Psychological Health
You will be required to complete a psychological evaluation to determine whether you are mentally and emotionally stable. Therefore, work out any issues you have had in the past prior to applying. If you have underlying mental health challenges, consider seeking counseling. Be upfront with your hiring manager about any challenges you have faced in the past and how you overcame them.
Visit Fire Stations
Talk to local firefighters, especially those in the department you are interested in working for. They will give you advice and tips on the hiring and training processes. They will tell you what it is like to work for the department. They may offer you tips on department positions or volunteer opportunities. You will also build a network filled with individuals who sit on fire boards or are involved in the hiring process.
Prepare for your hiring process by adopting a few lifestyle changes. These strategies will place you above your competition.