
How To Recycle Paper Coffee Cups

recycle paper cups

You can count on disposable coffee cups finding their way into your office or workplace, whether you like it or not. Despite the increasing trend towards reusable cups, convenience and hygiene make disposable coffee cups inevitable.

The number of businesses implementing new processes and recycling programs to accomplish their zero-waste-to-landfill goals is increasing. Nevertheless, disposable cups are often overlooked and thrown in the garbage. Recycling your cup waste at work has many advantages, including reduced landfill waste disposal costs.

Disposable Paper Coffee Cups

Paper cups can be divided into several different categories. There are many different types of paper cups available in the market today.

Are Coffee Paper Cups Recyclable?

There is a common misconception that coffee cups are not recyclable, but they are. You cannot recycle them if you put them in the mixed recycling container, or the paper recycle container. If paper coffee cups are to be recycled and reprocessed into something new, they need to go into a specific waste stream. Using disposable cups as a recycling product, paper can be reprocessed for up to seven times, transforming into products such as paper bags, greeting cards, and notebooks.

To prevent leaks, reduce extreme temperatures, and enhance the durability of disposable paper cups, their interiors are typically lined with plastic or wax. It creates a considerable challenge when it comes to recycling, since the cups need to be stripped of their coatings and broken down, and that takes specialized equipment.

We can all help this pressing environmental issue by simply making a few small changes. We don’t even have to stop drinking coffee.

Recycling disposable coffee cups can only happen if they are collected systematically in bulk – this requires stream-specific recycling bins to be in place. By installing coffee cup recycling bins at locations where people drink coffee – in your office, in your workplace’s canteen, at coffee shops, fast food restaurants, at train stations, airports, and so on – you make it less likely that people will throw away used paper coffee cups in just any container. You will be able to ensure not to contaminate other streams of recycling by setting aside a particular recycling bin for disposable coffee cups. You will also be able to collect these bulky items more efficiently.

It is not possible to recycle disposable paper cups in a general paper recycling bin at your home, at your workplace, or anywhere else. This is because:

Thus, the best way to improve the recycling rates of cups is to gather the cups in a separate container, away from other waste streams, and empty out all the cup waste (liquid and any other rubbish). The same is true of paper cups made from 100% compostable paper.

In addition to improvements in local government policies, recycling infrastructure, and general public awareness, innovation and collaboration will be necessary for managing the environmental impacts of disposable coffee cups. Offering coffee cups for recycling in your organization would be a great place to start.

What Are The Benefits Of Recycling/Composting Paper Coffee Cups?

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