How To Handle Work-Related Slip And Fall Incidents

According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, fatal workplace accidents from falls, slides, and trips have been on the rise since 2011, with over 800 employees killed last year.
Woodworkers, roof repair workers, tree cutters, and tractor-trailer drivers are the workers who face the largest number of slip and fall fatalities. A lot of these accidents can be prevented, but due to the workers not having the correct training and equipment, these situations will continue happening. Being prepared with a variety of equipment for various scenarios, like for those winter days with heavy snow and ice, winter salt spreaders are a great idea to ensure the paths are walkable and less dangerous.
Workplace Falls: What Causes Them?
- Liquids spilled
- Flooring that is cracked ripped, or uneven
- Alert signs that are insufficient or non-existent
- Inadequate lighting
- Stairs with small holes or that are broken or uneven
- The floor is littered with cables, cords, and wires.
- The elevator ends abruptly and unexpectedly
Making a Workers’ Compensation Claim
Workers’ compensation payments typically include prescription and rehabilitation costs, out-of-pocket expenses (such as prescriptions and crutches), and about two-thirds of missed earnings during care and recovery.
Employees benefit from workers’ compensation benefits because they don’t have to establish their employer had been at fault for the injuries. Workers could be eligible for benefits even though the accident was their own, although there are some restrictions.
Notify Your Employer Right Away
First and foremost. If you’ve had a slip and fall injury, seek emergency medical treatment as soon as possible. Then, as quickly as possible, inform your employer about the accident.
In slips and falls, some personnel sustains severe injuries that are visible, such as broken limbs, open cuts, or unconsciousness. A worker may be critically injured, such as with a concussion, and the signs may appear over several hours or days.
Many other employees sustain soft tissue injuries as a result of workplace slides, trips, and falls. Lacerations, sprains, and stresses of muscles, ligaments, and joints are examples of soft tissue injuries. A soft tissue injury’s discomfort and stiffness can not appear for a day or two.
Don’t joke about a workplace slip and fall. You may be humiliated that you made a mistake, or you don’t want to say something until the next day when you can’t sit up. It’s important to speak about your accident, as improvements can’t be made to the workplace if staff are unaware of what has happened. If you had slipped on a liquid chemical leakage, for example, it may trigger a realisation that better bunded storage is required for the future to prevent further leakages.
Do not wait to inform your employer about the incident. Including information on what triggered the fall, such as any twisted or affected body parts, whether you bang your head, felt discomfort or lightheadedness, or any other specifics that may suggest possible fall injuries.
Your right to compensation for your injuries could be contingent on you disclosing the occurrence to your employer as soon as possible.
The workers’ compensation insurance provider would leap at the opportunity to reject your claim, claiming that the injury occurred off-the-job or that you couldn’t have been injured too seriously, or you’d have mentioned the accident earlier.
Make A Workers’ Compensation Claim
You should be provided the forms and directions for lodging your workers’ compensation claim after contacting your employer about an incident and the injuries.
Notifying the boss isn’t enough. You must file a workers’ compensation claim within your state’s timeline, or you will forfeit your right to reimbursement for your injuries.
Workers’ compensation would cover the expenses of going to the emergency department or urgent care immediately after the accident. Following that, all medical care and treatment must be provided by physicians who have been pre-approved by the insurance provider.
You can ask for a second opinion of another company-approved practitioner if you suspect your provider is not acting appropriately or that your condition is more severe than the doctor indicates.
You are free to see your doctor, but there is no guarantee that workers’ compensation will reimburse you. Depending on your state, you might be able to switch doctors after a certain amount of time and still be covered for your medical expenses.
Finally, if your medical provider decides that your injuries have rendered you permanently disabled, your overall payout will include a lump-sum payment.