Convert Common Standard Measurements: Learn How To Convert

The most common measurement systems in the world are the imperial system and the metric system, which are used to measure length/distance. Temperature is another type of measurement that commonly needs conversation, namely between Fahrenheit and Celcius. During this article, we will discuss these two conversions. This way you’ll learn how to convert common standard measurements.
Convert Common Standard Measurements: Learn How To Convert
Distance Conversions
By using metrology measurement sciences, we can easily figure out the differences in converting between, say kilometers and miles. First, let’s take a look at some of the measurements in the imperial and metric systems.
Firstly, the metric system uses units of ten. This means that it’s pretty easy to move from one measurement to the next. Below are some examples.
- 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters
- 100 centimeters = 1 meter
- 1 kilometer = 1000 meters
The imperial system, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated and doesn’t make much sense, as far as consistency goes. Below are some examples.
- 1 foot = 12 inches
- 3 feet = 1 yard
- 1 mile = 1760 yards
The conversions between the metric system and the imperial system are pretty straight-forward. Simply multiply the imperial amount by the conversion factor of the metric amount. The conversion amounts can be found here.
Temperature Conversions
Temperature conversions are a bit more straight-forward than distance conversions. For the most part, you will only ever need to convert Fahrenheit to Celcius. There is even an established equation for this, as shown below.
(°F ? 32) × 5/9 = °C
As for some other handy measurements regarding temperature, below are some common points people should know.
- -40°F = -40°C
- 32°F = 0°C
- 212°F = 100°C
Knowing these measurement differences is important, not only for solving math problems in school but also in daily life. While you don’t need to memorize these conversions, you can come back to this page whenever you like to refresh your memory on the subject.